Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • EAPondering - Ways Your Self-talk Gets in the Way

    A Message from your Employee Assistance Program

    It is no surprise that self-talk messages we give ourselves are seldom neutral or unimportant. In many ways we are products of the perceptions and beliefs we hold. Those self-talk messages become either productive or non-productive in supporting our success and well-being, depending quite literally on what we think. While we have little control over thoughts actually entering our minds, we do control which ones we choose to hold tight, nurture – or ‘fertilize’, if you will - thereby reinforcing them as operating beliefs.

    In 7 Mindsets That Undercut Your Mental Strength and Resilience Psychology Today’s Paula Davis-Laack, J.D., M.A.P.P. offers an excellent, clear explanation of several counterproductive thoughts that commonly stick in our minds holding us back. Follow, or copy and paste the link:

    If you would like to talk about changing your self-talk, or any other concern, the UConn EAP provides confidential, free, professional consultation, brief counseling and/or referral for faculty, staff, graduate assistants and household family members to help identify and resolve problems or concerns affecting you, your family or your job.

    Call today for a private, no-hassle appointment.

    860-486-1307 Storrs Campus

    860-679-2877 Statewide

    800-852-4392 (CT toll-free 24/7)

    For more information, contact: Gary Alger at