Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 6/1 National CPR and AED Awareness Week

    June 1st through June 7th, 2018 is National CPR and AED Awareness Week.  The American Heart Association in coalition with the American Red Cross and the National Safety Council worked collaboratively to designate this week annually in 2007.  For 2018, they are debuting a new campaign that reinforces hands-only CPR skills but also places importance on the willingness of bystanders to act in a cardiac arrest emergency. Did you know that about 70 percent of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen in homes? If you are called on to give CPR in an emergency, you will most likely be trying to save the life of someone you love. Be the difference for your parent, spouse, or child. What if it was one of them?

    Please take a moment to learn hands-only CPR and be prepared to save someone’s life. 

    Video for Hands-Only CPR (1:30):

    UConn Rescue plans to continue offering American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers Initial and Renewal classes, as well as Heartsaver CPR/AED, Heartsaver First Aid, and Stop the Bleed classes during the fall 2018 semester on the UConn Storrs campus.  The semester schedule will be announced by the Daily Digest email during the last week of August 2018.  

    For more information regarding UConn Rescue or finding a CPR, First Aid, or Stop the Bleed class please reach out to the UConn Rescue President and Training Coordinator, Justin Pedneault at  

    For more information, contact: Justin Pedneault at