Training and Professional Development

  • CETL's Teaching Talks - May Schedule

    You are invited to participate in a series of informal teaching talks throughout 2018.  These are opportunities for participants to comfortably share teaching concerns and discuss techniques and strategies with colleagues, experts, and CETL staff.  All sessions will take place in Rowe 319 except via WebEx dates.  All UConn instructors —graduate students, TAs, and APIRs, as well as adjunct, tenure-track and tenured faculty—are encouraged to attend.

    Contact Suzanne LaFleur if you have questions or would like more information.


    Wednesday                 May 9              1:30 – 2:45                  Making Learning Easier

    At this session, participants will discuss topics like

    • Motivating students to read and prepare for class

    • Teaching students to think and write in your particular discipline

    • Using visuals and technology effectively

    • Accommodating different learning preferences

    • Using class time to emphasize learning/study skills

    Register at -




    Thursday         May 10           1:30 – 2:45                  Using Reflective Practice to Improve Your Teaching

    We will discuss ways to use reflective practice to improve your teaching. We will emphasize quick, informal, reflective techniques, as well as more formal ways to do "self-checks" related to your teaching practice.  Journals, teaching portfolios, and reflecting on student feedback will be addressed.  We will also discuss strategies to help students reflect on their learning.

    Register at -




    Thursday         May 17            3:00 – 4:15                  The Teaching Persona: The Effects of Personal Characteristics such as Gender, Age, etc.

    In this session, participants will discuss topics like:

    • Effects of gender and age on how you present yourself, and what you can do as an instructor

    • How your personality affects your teaching style

    • Your sense of self and how it affects your work with students

    • How to develop an effective teaching persona

    • How much of teaching is a function of your personality?

    Register at –



    Wednesday                 May 23          3:00 – 4:15                   Mixing It Up: Adding Variety to your Classroom Instruction

    This session will address strategies such as:

    • Breaking up the lecture: when, how (videos, stories, role play, Q & A, iClickers, small group discussion, brief activities…) why
    • Q & A as review
    • Restatement of key points by students as a check for understanding
    • Small group discussion of key points followed by whole group discussion
    • Brief activities to reinforce learning objectives

    Register at -



    Thursday                     May 31          2:00 – 3:15                   An Improv Session with a Discussion of Practical Applications for the Classroom

    This is an interactive workshop where we will "do" more than "speak," but there will be a discussion of how doing improv exercises can help students to be more willing to speak in class, as well as other practical applications.                                                               

    Register at -



    For more information, contact: Suzanne LaFleur at