Training and Professional Development

  • 5/1 Postdoc Writing Group

    Are you a postdoc looking to improve your manuscript draft or other written work? If so, consider joining the UConn Postdoc editing group! This peer review group will provide review and editing of scientific communications - abstracts, manuscripts, and slide or poster presentations. All are encouraged to bring materials to be edited but if you don't have materials, postdocs are encouraged to serve as editors themselves to enhance their professional development and gain valuable writing and editing skills!

    If interested in participating in the group, the last session of the semetser will take place on Tuesday (5/1/2018) from noon to 1pm in the Giolas Conference Room (Whetten Building 2nd Floor) 

    Pizza lunch sponsored by The Graduate School, please sign up using the link below:

    For more information, contact: Mary Himmelstein at