Training and Professional Development

  • 4/11 Assessments & Assignments in HuskyCT

    • Wednesday, April 11 -  2:00-3:30 – Online via Collaborate - Assessments & Assignments in HuskyCT 

      HuskyCT provides a number of tools for assigning student work, collecting assignments such as papers and projects, and conducting other types of assessments such as tests and quizzes. This session will provide an overview of the tools available to instructors and how to use them, including the use and application of SafeAssign (a built-in plagiarism detection software) as it relates to pedagogy. (Please note: This session will cover the basics of using HuskyCT’s test/quizzing functions, but if you would like to learn about the details of that tool, you also may want to consider the “Developing and Building Tests, Surveys, and Pools in HuskyCT”)

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    For more information, contact: Educational Technologies at