Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • EAPondering - Managing Interpersonal Challenges

    A message from your Employee Assistance Program

    At work and in our private lives we all face situations from time to time wherein we must work with, interact or co-exist with individuals whose behavior challenges our patience, self-confidence or sense of emotional security. In an excellent article Psychology offers simple, effective steps you can take to help manage such challenges and preserve personal power in the process. Follow, or copy and paste the link:

    If you would like to talk about interpersonal challenges at work or elsewhere, or any other concern, the UConn EAP provides confidential, free, professional consultation, brief counseling and/or referral for faculty, staff, graduate assistants and household family members to help identify and resolve problems or concerns affecting you, your family or your job.

    Call today for a private, no-hassle appointment.

    860-486-1307 Storrs Campus

    860-679-2877 Statewide

    800-852-4392 (CT toll-free 24/7)

    For more information, contact: Gary Alger at