Research, Funding, and Awards

  • USDA Notifies Universities of Records Freeze.

    March 23, 2018

    This notice applies to all UConn USDA Grant Recipients

    The Office of the Vice President for Research would like to alert UConn faculty to important information from the USDA regarding the disposal and maintenance of records relating to USDA documents.

    All USDA agencies, except for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), are under a records and documents disposal freeze.  According to the USDA website, UConn and its investigators must retain all paper and/or electronic records associated with any active or previously closed USDA agreement.  Please refer to the following USDA web site for more information.

    The Office of the Vice President for Research, Sponsored Program Services (SPS) recently discovered that a USDA letter notification regarding a records and document disposal freeze was issued by the USDA on February 8, 2018. After becoming aware of the freeze, SPS contacted the USDA to confirm whether UConn is impacted by this action.  USDA confirmed on March 21, 2018 that UConn is impacted and the original notification to UConn was not successfully transmitted.  

    It is critical that UConn researchers and administrative offices make sure that any documents, records and electronic files that pertain to a USDA (non-NIFA) award are retained until the USDA advises otherwise.

    If you have any questions, please contact your SPS team for further assistance.

    For more information, contact: SPS Team at