Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/28 Open House on Academic Service

    Fellow Graduate Students,

    Next week the English Graduate Student Association (EGSA) will be holding an Open House on Academic Service, at which faculty and staff will share their service experiences and answer questions from graduate students. The event will take place Wednesday, March 28th from 3-4:30/5 pm in the Stern Lounge, room 217 in Austin/CLAS. This event is open to all graduate students at UConn and free snacks will be provided.

    Several faculty members will give brief presentations/talks about their service work, defined broadly here to include the service we do in our departments, university, and communities. After these talks, we will have a question and answer period to explore ideas further. Faculty and staff have graciously and excitedly offered to take part in this event, and we hope to see many of you there to help explain that nebulous labor called "service." 

    Thank you, and see you there!

    English Graduate Student Association

    For more information, contact: English Graduate Student Association at