Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Kent Holsinger Reappointment

    Dear Colleagues,

    Dr. Kent Holsinger, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, was appointed Interim Dean of The Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education in January 2012, and he was appointed to the permanent position in April 2013.  Under his leadership, Kent has brought stability to The Graduate School, and he has made important improvements in the structure and operations of the School, including appointing Associate and Assistant Deans, enhancing the efficiency and processing of the functions of The Graduate School, and making additional resources available to graduate students through collaboration with the Center for Career Development. During his tenure, The Graduate School has also implemented a new application system and provided stronger definition and rigor to the University’s graduate certificate programs. Dean Holsinger has also contributed to UConn in many ways that serve the broader university, notably his role negotiating and implementing the UAW graduate employee contract.

    As Dean Holsinger’s initial five year term drew to a close during the Spring semester, I charged a review committee to evaluate his performance. Having received uniformly positive support for Dean Holsinger’s leadership and character, I am delighted to inform you that I have offered, and Dean Holsinger has accepted, an extension of his term as Dean and Vice Provost for another five years.

    I am grateful to the committee chair, Dean Jim Halpert, and the review committee consisting of Mark Aindow of the School of Engineering, Scott Brown of the Neag School of Education, Maria-Luz Fernandez of the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, Charles Mahoney of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Katherine Pancak of the School of Business, and Deepthi Varghese, student and president of the Graduate Student Senate for their thorough work on this review.

    Please join me in congratulating Dean Holsinger on his reappointment.  



    Jeremy Teitielbaum
    Professor and Interim Provost

    For more information, contact: Provost Office at