Research, Funding, and Awards

  • DEADLINE EXTENDED: Faculty Excellence Awards

    Through the Faculty Excellence Awards, the UConn Foundation Office of Alumni Relations recognizes the outstanding contributions and achievements of UConn faculty. Nominators are invited to participate in this process by submitting nominations to either annual award in the two categories listed below. 

    Faculty Excellence in Research and Creativity Awards

    •  In the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

    •  In the Sciences

    Faculty Excellence in Teaching Awards

    •  On the Undergraduate Level

    •  On the Graduate Level

    Honorees will receive a monetary award of $500 and special recognition during a fall UConn Foundation Board Meeting.

    The Faculty Excellence in Research and Creativity Awards are given to individual faculty who have made significant and or creative contributions to a field of knowledge or area of inquiry. These awards recognize research excellence and the highest levels of creativity that enhance the University’s academic and creative reputation. Individuals who are nominated for this award must have a distinguished record of ongoing scholarly and/or creative productivity and must have worked at UConn for at least 10 years.

    The Faculty Excellence in Teaching Awards are given to individual faculty for excellence in teaching. These awards recognize individuals who rise above good instruction, engage students thoroughly in the process of learning, and have contributed significantly to the intellectual life of the University through their teaching. Individuals who are nominated for this award must have a distinguished record of sustained teaching excellence and must have worked at UConn for at least 10 years. 

    Nominations are due April 16, 2018. More information is available through Alumni Relations

    For more information, contact: Office of the Provost at 6-1868